We are happy to announce that the Turkish rights of Zahi Zalloua's Being Posthuman: Ontologies of the Future are sold!

Table of Contents
Introduction: The Improper of the Human Chapter 1: Cyborgs Chapter 2: Animals Chapter 3: Object Fever Chapter 4: Black Being Conclusion: Inhuman Posthumanism
"Traversing the history of philosophy, Zahi Zalloua brilliantly shows the ethical urgency of an inhuman posthumanism that attends to those who reside in the neighborhood of the human but are never fully at home there. Engaging with philosophy, film, and literature, Zalloua articulates the ways in which the cyborg, animal, object, and racialized others put pressure on the concept of the human. Along the way, Zalloua powerfully demonstrates the importance of both continental philosophy and psychoanalysis to develop a notion of the posthuman."
-Kelly Oliver, W. Alton Jones Professor of Philosophy, Vanderbilt University, USA
"By foregrounding the “inhuman,” as the extimate and constitutive core of the (post)human, Zahi Zalloua avoids the philosophical narcissism of transhumanism, the pitfalls of new materialism, and the racial blind spots of object-oriented ontology. Through psychoanalytic readings of cyborgs, animals, objects, and racialized others, Being Posthuman presents a new vision of life in a world compounded by global capital, anti-blackness, and climate change-a life improper, non-all, incomplete, fugitive, and fluid. This is truly remarkable and substantial work."
-Calvin Warren, Associate Professor of African American Studies, Emory University, USA