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Sona Ertekin


Sona Ertekin was born in Erzincan in 1977 and grew up in Ankara. Deep into writing ever since she learned to read, Sona Ertekin followed a career based on words and began to write for printed media in her college years where she studied American Culture and Literature at Hacettepe University and then completed the M.A. program in Cinema-TV at Istanbul Bilgi University. 

She took her first copywriting position at Link-McCann Erickson in 2001. After many years as a writer for both mainstream and underground media and as a radio producer for Turkey’s most renowned indie radio station Açık Radyo, she edited a high-volume corporate history book for radio and in 2008 took the noble path of freelancing.

She travelled the tropical and mountainous regions of Southeast Asia for several years while working as a freelance translator and wrote travel articles for Aktüel magazine under the title "Letters from Sona". As an avid scuba, freediving, yoga and modern dance enthusiast, she performed as a Psychedelic Trance DJ for 10 years until she retired from raves.

Apart from her localization work, she translated books like Waiting for the Barbarians (Müge Gürsoy Sökmen, Başak Ertür – with Doğan Şahiner, 2010), Sociology Through the Projector (Bülent Diken & Carsten Bagge Laustsen, 2010), Even Cowgirls Get The Blues (Tom Robbins, 2012), How to Shoplift Books (David Horvitz, 2020) and The Art of Living (Thich Nhat Hanh, 2024).

Sona Ertekin’s first novel, Journey to the Center of the Fault (Can Yayınları/Mundi) debuted in 2019 and her second novel Everything is Dancing (Everest Yayınları) was published in 2024.

She is married and lives in the south coast of Turkey as the second mother of a wonderful young boy called Rüzgâr. Besides translating, she writes cultural and literary articles for K24 and various other cultural platforms. Freediving whenever she gets the chance, she’s into creating healthy & delicious recipes and also moonlights as a pole dancing instructor.


ABOUT Journey to the Center of the Fault

·  Yekta Kopan – Hepsi TV

·  Deniz Koloğlu - Bant Mag

·  İlksen Mavituna – Açık Radyo

·  Gökçe Uygun – Gazete Kadıköy

“Sona Ertekin's book, Journey to the Center of the Fault, felt like it was written for me. Aside from the quality of her fiction and the explorers/seekers of the end times, her language is a treasure.”

Sevin Okyay - critic, translator, journalist

“Subtitled erotic feminism, sustainable hedonism and fantastic realism, Journey to the Center of the Fault is a modern-day novel that maintains its pace until the last page.”

Efnan Atmaca – Hürriyet Kitap

Sona Ertekin's fluent style and witty sentences, which meet her readers for the first time with Journey to the Center of the Fault, are the most important factors that bind the reader to the book. It is possible to say that the attitude of the author, who skillfully uses everyday language without vulgarizing it, blending honesty and humor, gives readers a special pleasure.”

Ece Çavuşoğlu Yarar -

“Sona Ertekin's Journey to the Center of the Fault weaves its way through Sufism, modern literature, and many other subjects, stories, characters, and places. Journey to the Center of the Fault offers an enjoyable, rich and different journey for readers who do not resist the temptation of adventure.”

Meryem Gültabak - Posta Kitap

From Readers

“You will read the adventure of a Book Detective and a Bounty Hunter against those who are trying to destroy empathy in the world with a different and very pleasant narrative and fiction.”


“A breathless, entertaining, thought-provoking, romantic, cheerful, instructive travel-adventure-love-philosophy novel written by Sona Ertekin. It has a tasteful and humorous language, the flow is very good, once you start it, you can't put it down. The places the characters travel to are both interesting in and of themselves, and for those of us who have travelled a little, it has a recent nostalgia for those days. I recommend it to those who want to read a well-written novel.”

Ekşi Sözlük

“Sona Ertekin's novel has a very fluent, humorous and brave language. I think those who want to stop and think, be surprised, laugh and listen to beautiful songs while running from adventure to adventure should not miss it.”

Ekşi Sözlük

ABOUT Everything is Dancing

Deniz Koloğlu - K24

Nazlı Berivan Ak - The Art Newspaper Türkiye

İlksen Mavituna – Açık Radyo


Yazarın Odası (Meltem Dağcı with Sona Ertekin's husband Yenay Gökdemir)

"Writer and translator Sona Ertekin writes as she lives, combining her academic knowledge of literature and cinema-television with life itself. In her first book, Arızanın Merkezine Seyahat, she took the reader on a breathless world tour, and in her new novel, Her Şey Dans Ediyor, she joyfully traces the trail of love, immortality, self-realization and transformation. Not only in her novels, but also in her book reviews, articles, and translated works, there is a common thread, cognate codes, a similar approach: innovation, experimentation and courage."

Nazlı Berivan Ak - Editor, literary journalist

From readers

“It's a riot. In the streets of 2015 Kadıköy, a time traveller is searching for the love he lost in the 1970s. This time traveller's joyful, mysterious and gripping journey from Kadıköy hipsterism to witchcraft, from music to free diving, from time travel to Ankara pavilions. It will especially appeal to pole dancing enthusiasts, those interested in the occult, and those who want to revel in the power of women and sisterhood. A special recommendation for those who have reading difficulties, for those who want to be distracted and don't want to read something empty.”


“Characters that urban Gen Xers, especially women, can easily relate to, discover how to dance/live 'better' in familiar times and places in a wonderful fiction. Thank you Sona Ertekin for this rich and enjoyable reading adventure!”




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at·las | ˈatləs |

  • a book of maps or charts: a road atlas 

  • a book of illustrations or diagrams on any subject

  • Anatomy the topmost vertebra of the backbone, articulating with the occipital bone of the skull.

  • Architecture a stone carving of a male figure, used as a column to support the entablature of a Greek or Greek-style building.

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