Virtual Art Therapy: Research and Practice // Ed. Michelle Winkel

252 pages, Taylor and Francis, 2022
#arttherapy #virtualart #behaviourialsciences #onlinetherapy #psychotherapy
Virtual Art Therapy is the perfect book for an imperfect time in a world that has been turned upside down and inside out. Suddenly unable to offer themselves and media in shared spaces, art therapists have had to re-imagine helping others to create and to heal in radically new ‘virtual’ interpersonal environments. This book is a vivid and inspiring reminder of the energy and empathy that has always animated our profession, revealing the powerful ‘reality’ of the healing relationships possible through art, even in a virtual world."
―Judith A. Rubin, PhD, ATR-BC, HLM, psychologist, psychoanalyst, author; filmmaker and president of Expressive Media
"To say that this text is timely is a gross understatement. More than a mere how-to reaction to current situations, Ms. Winkel assembled the top people in the realm of virtual and digital art therapy to expound upon their theoretical and practical applications and research within vast and far-reaching arenas for this easily accessible and enjoyable to read resource that will traverse all times."
―David E. Gussak, PhD, ATR-BC, Florida State University, professor of Art Therapy and project coordinator of the FSU/FDC Art Therapy in Prisons Program
"This innovative text is timely and attests to the responsive and dynamic nature of art therapy, most critically through the integration of research and practice. Conventional continuums of practice have been challenged, reconfigured and optimized to meaningfully address diverse communities, cultures and contexts. Embracing emerging technologies, expanding therapeutic spaces, and reimagining the potentiality of this creative and responsive modality, Michelle Winkel has spotlighted a commanding collection of chapters that are guaranteed to stimulate and perhaps expedite the ongoing evolution of the discipline in sustaining ways."
―Ronald P.M.H. Lay, MA,
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