The Case for Degrowth // Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D'Alisa, Federico Demaria

2020, Polity Books, 140 pages
#politics #sustainability #degrowth #susanpaulson #giacomod’alisa #giorgoskallis #federicodemaria
In this compelling book, leading experts Giorgos Kallis, Susan Paulson, Giacomo D’Alisa and Federico Demaria make the case for degrowth - living well with less, by living differently, prioritizing wellbeing, equity and sustainability. Drawing on emerging initiatives and enduring traditions around the world, they advance a radical degrowth vision and outline policies to shape work and care, income and investment that avoid exploitative and unsustainable practices.
“COVID-19 is the symptom; the profit-driven destruction of natural and social habitants is the disease. There's only one cure consistent with global social justice. Read this eloquent and urgent book and find out what it is.”
—Mike Davis, University of California and author of Ecology of Fear and Planet of Slums
“The Case for Degrowth is a brief and straightforward explainer, and a good starting point for anyone who wants to get their head around the degrowth movement and what it wants to acheive.”
—Jeremy Williams, editor of Time to Act and co-author of The Economics of Arrival
“The Case for Degrowth does what its title promises; it assertively advocates for a society and economy that aim at the wellbeing of all while also sustaining the natural basis of life, refuting the myth of green growth, and providing a clear compass to evaluate the directionality of sustainability transitions.”
—Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions
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