Online Afterlives. Immortality, Memory, and Grief in Digital Culture // Davide Sisto

2018, Bollati, 149 pages
#philosophy #memory #digitalculture #immortality #onlinedeath
Publishers: W/English (MIT Press), W/Spanish (Katz editores)
Online Afterlives (MIT Press 2020) was among the best books in translation of the Fall 2020 for The New York Times
“Online Afterlives is a well-organized work, packed with insights.”
“Davide Sisto (…) has written a fascinating book on death and the internet.”
—Los Angeles Review of Books
“An eye-opening study of an underexamined aspect of the internet age.”
—Publishers Weekly
“Davide Sisto (…) filósofo y profesor de la Universidad de Turín, recientemente ha publicado un interesante libro titulado Online Afterlives en el que reflexiona desde el prisma filosófico y humanista sobre cómo cambiará nuestra relación ya no solo con la muerte, sino con el resto de personas con las que ya no compartimos la vida.”
—El Confidencial
“A brilliant essay, packed with insights and information on how the web compels us to rethink our relationship with the end that awaits us all.”
—Tommaso Pincio, La Repubblica, Il Venerdì
“The essay plumbs memory and mourning, immortality and oblivion in the social age, with academic precision but in the style of a personal essay.”
—Corriere della Sera (on Death goes social)
“Can the web help supersede a cultural model that envisages the repression of death from the social world? If so, at what price and with what risks? Drawing with equal scrupulousness on Derrida and Black Mirror, on Walter Benjamin and Simon Reynolds, Sisto challenges the bottleneck of dystopia and seeks the answers to these questions without prejudice … A meticulous, non-dogmatic read.”
—La Repubblica, Robinson
“In recent times, the so-called fourth revolution – the technological revolution that thinks it can make us live forever with the use of machines – has ended up returning death into public discourse. Here Sisto, a research fellow at the University of Turin and lecturer on the Death Studies & the End of Life specialisation course in Padua, makes a rigorous scientific analysis of how technology is bringing death back into our lives.”
—La Lettura, Corriere della Sera
“This new piece of work by Davide Sisto lays another (tomb) stone on the way to digital death … Bodiless, uncontrolled immortality. With no possible end. Sisto investigates these nightmares with enviable fair play.”
—Blow up.
“A book that is, at once, engaging and profound.”
—La Stampa
“It’s something of a leap from the romanticism of Friedrich von Schelling to the commemorative profiles on social networks. Davide Sisto, a Turin-born philosopher specialising in thanatology, managed it about four years ago.”
—La Repubblica
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English edition: