Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture // ed. Anna McFarlane, Graham J. Murphy, Lars Schmeink

2022, Taylor and Francis, 282 pages
#ciberpunk #sciencefiction #braidotti #baudrillard #ballard #philipdick #mediastudies
"Fifty Key Figures in Cyberpunk Culture is an excellent introduction to some of the writers, artists, theorists, and scientists whose influence has helped to shape today's technocultural imaginary. Readers will (re)discover cyberpunk culture's makers, from J.G. Ballard to Rosi Braidotti, from Marshall McLuhan to Richard K. Morgan, from Rudy Rucker to Joanna Russ, from Vernor Vinge to Norbert Wiener. Fifty Key Figures is both an exciting supplement to MacFarlane, Murphy, and Schmeink's recently published Routledge Companion to Cyberpunk Culture and an important contribution to cyberculture studies in general."
—Veronica Hollinger, Editor of Science Fiction Studies and Professor Emerita of Cultural Studies at Trent University, Canada
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