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Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos // ed. Jem Bendell, Rupert Read

Deep Adaptation: Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos // ed. Jem Bendell, Rupert Read

224 pages, Polity Books, 2021

#environment #climatecrisis #deepadaptation

“The authors of this book have courage to recognise the reality of our time and face the uncomfortable facts of climate calamity. The theme of this book is indeed scary. But it’s full of bright ideas for how to transmute both fear and difficulty into kind and wise ways of living and working. The thinkers, academics and activists who have contributed to this book embody the wisdom to adapt to this unprecedented catastrophe. They also show the practical ways and means to live and act with the imagination and resilience. Not everyone would agree to these radical ideas but everyone needs to know about them. So, I recommend this book to all.”

—Satish Kumar, Editor Emeritus Resurgence & Ecologist and Founder, Schumacher College

“This book is the “red pill” of our times, offering neither certainty nor confirmation of any story you may be holding about where we are heading in the face of so many colliding crises. What it does offer is togetherness in our insecurity and frameworks in our unknowing for coming to terms with and making sense of these times. I look forward to both “deep adaptation” and “collapsology” entering mainstream discourse, so that we might then imagine creating together, as our current paradigm crumbles.”

—Gail Bradbrook, co-founder, Extinction Rebellion

“The contributors are unafraid to challenge conventional wisdom on the climate crisis and go against the grain with a provocative assessment of what we are now able to achieve and where we should focus our efforts.”


“Collapse followed by transformation is a common way that complex systems evolve. Perhaps collapse of our high consumption, climate-destabilising society can lead to transformation towards a brighter human future. The Deep Adaptation framework outlined in this book is a helpful way to seek that transformation.”

—Professor Will Steffen, Australian National University Climate Change Institute

“In this book I am joined by scholars from around the world who seek to be present to the suffering and difficulties of our time. Please turn toward these ideas, not away, to find your own path in a turbulent future.”

—Joanna Macy, author of A Wild Love for the World

“Deep Adaptation is only the beginning – it is one in which we expand our thinking and open ourselves to the possibility of a completely new emergent paradigm, as yet unknown. That fills me with curious hope.”

—Maddy Harland, Permaculture Magazine


Times Literary Supplement

“Lucid, productive, and necessary…”


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  • a book of maps or charts: a road atlas 

  • a book of illustrations or diagrams on any subject

  • Anatomy the topmost vertebra of the backbone, articulating with the occipital bone of the skull.

  • Architecture a stone carving of a male figure, used as a column to support the entablature of a Greek or Greek-style building.

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